Monday, May 19, 2008

Monday Blues

I don't know about you...but I feel a kind of sadness at the passing of every weekend. To remedy this melancholy I take Monday as a day of complete self worship and pampering. I was woken up today by my yoga instructor, Eden, pounding on the door. After a rough hour of exercise, I went for my almost weekly appointment at The Pink Peony for a mani-pedi. While I was there I also indulged in an eyelash tinting session. After all... I do have a lot to look great this week!
After my treatments I made a few calls and got 3 of my girlfriends to meet me for a sushi lunch at Kibuka. I absolutely love Kibuka! I only order the same 2 things every time I go, but damn they are DELICIOUS!
Later I ran over to BCBG to pick up a dress I had pre-ordered for tomorrow night's art opening and now, well, now I'm just going to curl up with the US version of Vogue, sip some cava and rest up for the week's festivities!

Dos Besos,

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