Thursday, August 21, 2008

Another Summer Day

What a great day!
So last night was a blast...the cosmos were fantabulous and the company even better. We stayed up long into the night contemplating the lives of others aka gossiping!
Today I had a slight hangover, but thanks to a delicious frappacino, got over it quite quickly. I met this very cute British boy I know for lunch, which turned out to be horrifying (don't go to this place called Salta). The food was overcooked, salty and the meat chewy beyond words!
I felt like I had done my body a disservice and quickly headed to the gym to correct the damage. I took a fantastic Pilates class and left feeling sooo much better.

Tonight I had a couple of friends over for dinner and now we're heading to Powder Room at the Apolo! I haven't been there in ages and there is no better night to go than Thursday. The music's funky and danceable...what more could you ask for?

Maybe see you there?

Dos Besos,


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