Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Champagne and Fresh Squeezed Orange Juice

What a fun week this is turning out to be! The weather is finally...finally straightening itself out and the parties are better than ever! I had a fabulous time last night at Shoko and so many of my friends joined in for the fun! I ended up skipping the party at Mondo, Hardfandango nights, and calling it a relatively early night. Today was all I could have wished for I woke up at around 11 made my way down to the Barceloneta for a few mimosas and a seafood platter with some friends in from London. Then we hit the playa for a few hours and I ended up taking a little siesta. I was a bit drowsy when I woke, but forced myself to hit up the Vinyasa Yoga class at Holmes place and I am so happy I did cause now I feel energized and raring to go! Tonight I´m going to take it relatively easy and stop by Andu for a couple with my friend Megan. Then tomorrow....Opium!!
Ok my loves,
Sweet dreams or happy partying, whatever you prefer!
Dos Besos,

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