Wednesday, July 23, 2008

The Bronzed and the Beautiful

Hello my darlings,
Shoko was as fabulous as ever last night. So many people to see and be seen by! I love summer in Barcelona. All the beautiful, perfectly bronzed specimens seem to flock here. There's no end to the fun.
So as you can imagine I spent most of my day on the beach soaking in the rays. I ate some delicious jamon with melon at one of the chiringitos on Icaria beach and followed the meal with a few tasty mojitos at Guru BCN in the gotico.
And now...
I have to admit...I've been addicted to this show The Tudors...I think it plays on Show Time in the states, but I've been streaming it for the past couple of days...and today, well... what can I say, time escaped me. Hey, a party girl needs to indulge in some lazy habits once in a while.
If you get a it, it's horribly sordid and indulgent. Best of all, based in reality!

Tomorrow...Yoga in the morning, lunch at Ra, which is next to the Boqueria with, then a short rest before I Opium Mar it up!

Sweet dreams to all those off to bed...and happy partying to those who, well...who are gonna rock it out!

Dos Besos,

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