Thursday, July 10, 2008

The Terrace Life

Was anyone else at Shoko Tuesday night? Did you also see Lenny Kravitz? Oh my my he is just as scrumptious in person as I'd imagined! So as you can imagine, that has been the highlight of my week thus far. Yesterday was quite relaxed...well kind of...I had a marathon shopping day. I really can't tell you what store I did not enter. I will tell you, however, that I got some super cute dresses/tops at Custo Barcelona. Later in the day I ended up outside of the city in this lovely little one-traffic light town called Torrellas (sp). I have some friends who have recently moved there, so we met for dinner on their terrace.
Today was a bit more shopping...lunch at Mama's Cafe in the Raval with my friend Lara, followed by some beach time...then some cava on the terrace of another friend.
Tonight I'm taking it easy, because tomorrow is....drumroll.... Evolutionary Nights at Broadbar. I have made sure to invite all my fabulous friends and it promises to be an epic affair. If you wanna come just let me know...or you could just say you're with me at the door. "I'm with VIParina" haha you'd be amazed where it'll get you.
Anyway, I'm resting up tonight. Tomorrow will be all the preparations for the big party!
Catch ya later!
Dos Besos,

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The Picaroony said...
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